22nd of April

The departure time from Vaala was not very convenient this time. We had to leave school at 3:00 to be on time at the airport.

We decided to stay together at school for the last few hours and went there after the pizza party earlier Friday evening. Some used the time to play billiards or ping pong, others played chess, and then there were some who decided to use the instruments that were there and create a band. Everyone had a good time. 

The bus arrived at 2:40 and it was time to say goodbye to the Finnish students. The Icelandic and Norwegian groups went to the airport. The first flight for the Norwegian group was at 6:00 but they had to take four flights to get home to Brønnøysund. Everything went well and they came home in the afternoon.

The trip to Iceland was a bit longer. First they needed to wait at the airport in Oulu until 9:00. They landed in Helsinki around 10, where they waited for their next flight to Iceland at 15:05.  The flight landed around 15:45 Icelandic time (there are three hours time difference) and then all headed straight to the bus. The bus stopped at KFC in Selfoss where they ate. The last stop was for a few minutes at Kirkjubæjarklaustur. They Icelandich group turned up at home a little after midnight.

We are all very happy with the trip to Finland and how everything went well. And we all have good memories from the trips this school year.

We are all very happy with the trip to Finland and how everything went well. And we all have good memories from the trips this school year.

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