Some facts about Iceland
Geology Icelandic coat of arms. Iceland is an island in the north of the Atlantic ocean. It is 102.775 km2 . The oldest part of Iceland is about 16 000 000 years old. The country is located on the border of the Eurasian plate and the North American plate. Underneath the country is a hot...
Some facts about FAS
The Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýsla or FAS for short is a secondary school in the south-east part of Iceland in a town called Höfn. Höfn is a portside town in the county. The county has about 2500 inhabitants. Most of the people or about 1800 live in the town. About 700 people live on farms or in small populated areas. The...
The municipality Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörður
The group decided to make a short film about the municipality. There is e.g. told about the uniqueness of the municipality, what the people who live there work with and what services are available. First we decided how we would like to promote the municipality and decided on the location for filming. Then we wrote...