18th of April

The bus headed for Oulo 08:52 with everybody onboard. The weather was sunny, but a little bit windy. We arrived at Oulu after one and a half hour with bus.

Mikko was in charge of the guiding this day. The first thing we did was visiting Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Museo, there two guides informed us about the cultural history of Oulu from the stone age until modern times. In the end we were offered a candy made with tar. The taste was very special.

After visiting the museum, we went for a lunch buffet in restaurant Hilikku.

From the restaurant we took the bus for a visit in Merikoski, where Mikko and another guide from Oulun Energy showed us and told us about the fish way in Oulo river, alongside the hydro power dam.

Then we took the bus again to visit the Rusko recycle centre. Two workers came in the bus and informed us about their method with recycling and how they were able to produce biogas from organic waste. Before we left, we had the opportunity to walk outside and smell the interesting odor and have a look at a car with a modified engine so that the car could use biogas instead of gasoline.

Finally, we had same time to look around the city center on our own, before we all went for some bowling before bedtime.


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