29th of September

We woke up, it was only 3 degrees when we woke up, at around 7 in the morning. Some of us walked, others drove to school we met up with everyone and met the history and philosophy professor for the first time.

We went all around Vaala on a bus. looked at many interesting places. Such as paths in the forests and museums. Next to the path there was a lake, back in the 19.s the lakes were used to move trees for long distances. The forest was really big and beautiful.

Then we headed for a museum, there we checked out some old art, old guns, classrooms and much more stuff. We climbed up the windmill that was falling apart. (Stoner almost died, Zarko yelled DO A FLIP!)

Then went back to school, on our way, we learned about some old hunting ditches. That were used to hunt deer in the old times. Talking about food, when we arrived to school, we ate some oatmeal, or like we call it in Iceland hafragrautur,,.

After meeting all the kids and teachers that were in the school, we went on a teams meeting with the kids from Norway. Together we were supposed to answer some questions, but there was a little mix up. Instead of answering the question, some groops started working on the presentation that we are supposed to do tomorrow! In the end everything worked out very well though and everyone went happy home. All of us went happy home and we had a great day 🙂

Written by Steinar, Stígur and Tómas

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