6th of October

Before lunch we went on our group work on the different themes of the week. We made a draft on the posters that we are going to finish and present on Friday.  After lunch we had an excursion to the nearby shore which was not so far away from the school, but only a ten minute’s walk.

We met the marine biologist Sebastian Strand who guided us together with Bergliot Storruste and Kamilla Pedersen from Trollfjell Geopark. We studied marine biodiversity by collecting living organisms from the shore.

Kamilla prepared some seafood snacks from the collected stuff (algae, kelps, snails, sea shells) with a trangia and those who dared could taste them.

Then we had a delicious seafood dinner at school, prepared by the students of the educational programme Restaurant and Food Processing. The evening was free and most of the students went bowling.

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